Our Providers

Primary Providers (practicing in Valentine, NE)

General Surgery Richard M. Malyszek, MD, FACS 402-376-2525
Family Practice Michele N. Mulligan-Witt, MD 402-376-3770
Family Practice Kelli L. Scheer, MD 402-376-3770
Family Practice Madeleine Wilson, MD 402-376-3770
Physicians Assistant Claire E. Carr, PA-C 402-376-3770
Physicians Assistant Sarah Ward, PA-C 402-376-3770
ER Physicians Assistant Tracy Ray, PA-C 402-376-2525
ER Physicians Assistant Yohanes Tot, PA-C 402-376-2525
ER Physicians Assistant Rick Blum, PA-C 402-376-2525

Emergency Room Providers

Primary Provider Michele N. Mulligan-Witt, MD
Primary Provider Kelli L. Scheer, MD
Primary Provider Madeleine Wilson, MD
Primary Provider Claire E. Carr, PA-C
Primary Provider Sarah Ward, PA-C
ER Provider Richard Blum, PA-C
ER Provider Tracy Ray, PA-C
ER Provider Yohanes Tot, PA-C
ER Doctor Alexandra Weaver, MD
ER Doctor Bradley J. Vasa, MD

Specialty Providers (holding specialty clinics in Valentine, NE)

Allergy James M. Tracy, DO 877-392-1800
Cardiology / Vascular Bryan Health
Dental Surgery Benjamin A. Lashley, DDS 308-534-1289
Dental Surgery Kelly Anderson, DDS 402-376-1942
ENT Frederick E. Freeman, MD, FACS 402-376-2525, Ext 284
Gastroenterology Jeffrey Cloud, MD 402-376-2525, Ext 349
Nephrologist Pushkar Kanade, MD 308-568-3640
Neurology Telehealth Zeyad Morcos, MD 402-376-2525, Ext 349
Oncology Kartik Anand, MD 402-376-2525, Ext 357
Ophthalmology Shawna R. Collier, MD 800-383-3351
Ophthalmology Keegan A. Harkins, MD 800-383-3351
Orthopedic Michael S. Sisk, MD 402-376-2525, Ext 175
Pain Management Burt McKeag, MD 402-376-2525, Ext 350
Podiatry Alicia M. Ericksen, DPM 402-376-2525, Ext 868
Psychiatry Genesis Psychiatric
Pulmonology Telehealth Guido Molina-Pallete, MD 308-568-3500
Sleep Clinic Jefrey Start, DO 308-568-3500
Urology Robert Santa-Cruz, MD 402-376-2525

To make an appointment with a primary provider, call the numbers listed above.

To make an appointment with a specialty provider, please call the hospital at 402-376-2525 and they will schedule your appointment or give you the appropriate information to help you schedule your appointment.